Just Open the Darn Box!
That probably sounds funny coming from someone who took 4 months to open the box. I’ll be honest. I bought the Stealth Core Trainer on a whim through an advertisement on Facebook. I thought it looked like a cool piece of home gym equipment that I would use regularly because I could play games while working out. This one wasn’t going to collect dust like so many others that have come and gone. Why did it take me 4 months to get it out? PURE LAZINESS! No shame here.
When I opened that box on May 1st I had no idea I was unboxing much more than a piece of gym equipment.
I simply started with the Galaxy Adventure game on my phone on my knees desperately trying to hold a plank for one minute. All while exploding little dots and falling fireballs that look like planets in outer space. It was tough and I am NO gamer. I was discouraged.
When I bought the Stealth I was also given access to the Facebook group Stealth Nation. So I gathered up my courage to check out the page and see if others were having as difficult of a time as I was. Whew, I wasn’t the only one struggling. I was amazed to see that whether your score is 197 or 1097 the others were going to cheer for you regardless. THAT MADE ME HAPPY!
So I looked a little deeper on the page and found techniques to improve the Stealth experience. I also discovered a Stealth 10 week Lean Core program that covers nutrition and physical movement.
I know you’re thinking BLAH, Blah, Blah this all sounds way too familiar with the end result being failure BUT WAIT there is more! SO much more!
I found live workout videos posted three times a week right there on the Stealth Nation page. All with a man named Matt Morton who clearly looks like he is in better shape than I have ever been in but he is so real. He will literally walk you through every move and occasionally he’ll fall off his Stealth board. He gives tips on using the Stealth during the workout and posts things called micro-workouts that you can do throughout the day. Add it all up and you have an entire gym worthy session completed without spending hours in the gym.
BAM! Just like that, I am hooked. I had no idea this would turn into something I now look forward to every day. Members create challenges and encourage each other through them. The community that comes along with that Facebook group is amazing. Doesn’t matter if we’re holding that plank for 20 seconds or 2 minutes. We are all supporting and encouraging each other to be our healthiest selves.
What are you waiting for? Open the box. If you need some encouragement you can find me or one of the other 24,000 members who I know will help you along the way.
Happy Stealthing
Jennifer S.