About six years ago, I suffered a hip injury, all of my workouts had ceased. Every time I tried; the injury would flare up again. I had all but given up.
But then, last fall, an abrupt life change left me somewhat distraught. I found myself searching for anything positive to distract myself. I considered signing up for a 4-week running challenge—even though I’m not a runner.
And then, I saw it… an ad for the Stealth board. When I had been a gym member, my friends and I would take every opportunity to fit planks into our workouts—even in the middle of a Zumba class. So, the Stealth Board seemed like the perfect way for me to get fit again, by focusing on my core!
And that’s just what I did. My board arrived and I got started right away—on my knees, because I was too unsteady on my toes. I love that I can really work my core in three minutes a day. A couple of days a week, I would do a short (15-minute) dance video or another short cardio workout—but the majority of my fitness efforts were games on the Stealth board. I followed a diet loosely based on the guide included with the Stealth (modified to accommodate allergies). In two months, I lost 22 pounds and was able to see a bit of definition in my abs for the first time in 20 years!
I’d like to add that, before my board had even arrived, I joined the Stealth Nation group on Facebook and found the most amazing, supportive people. Knowing that I have a place to ask questions and give and receive encouragement is invaluable! I can honestly say that this was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my health.