5 Things Needed For A Lifestyle Change- Stealth Hits Them All

5 Things Needed For A Lifestyle Change- Stealth Hits Them All

I am 52 years old and am from the West Midlands in the UK. I have been associated with fitness since I started swimming as a young boy and over the years I have done many sports the general theme of which has been endurance. I became a personal trainer over 20 years ago and specialize in the rehabilitation of people from illness and injury and the effects of mental health and although I do not earn my living this way I have supported many people in my spare time with their fitness journeys. I am also a running and self-defense coach as well as a lifestyle coach too! I have also written and self-published a book on fitness in everyday life. 

As a job, I work supporting children in a high school especially those that have not had the best start in life or have chosen to take a negative route. After retiring from the British police after 30 years of service it is nice to be able to bring life learning to those that haven’t yet found their way or path in their own future. 

I hold a number of British and one-world age records on Concept 2 equipment and love training in my home gym, which was a gift to myself when I retired from the police.   

Over the years I have used (and purchased) all sorts of fitness equipment. I have broken, discarded, sold on or even binned a lot of these items so I am very well qualified to comment on different ways to work out and what has the potential to stick as a lifestyle change. It needs to be:

  1. Fun
  2. Effective
  3. Easy to use
  4. Adaptable for all sorts of people and usage. 
  5. Include a Supportive atmosphere. 

So when I first saw the Stealth I had to give it a go - so being in the UK my only real option was Amazon so I first purchased the yellow. Shortly after which the orange followed. 

I started in December last year and have focused on getting streaks going. My first was stopped by 2 days of fever at 56 days. Then I had a few weeks of on and off and then started my current streak, which is currently at 80 days. I use my stealth as part of my exercise program so it fits in well. If I travel I take my yellow, the orange is home-based. 

I love the games. They make it fun to exercise and give focus. I love the different games and go from different favorites, which I then tend to focus on for a time then move on to another. I just can’t fall in love with hang glider but the others are great! My current favorites are Fitman, Space Escape and Galaxy Adventure. But I do change from time to time and have different favorites. 

I tend to do interval sessions if I do a Stealth specific session or use the Stealth during my aerobic training as a warm-up or cool down. 


I love the online community we have going. I love to see the support and camaraderie. Of my 5 things that are needed for a lifestyle change to stick the Stealth hits all 5. 

So my journey of Stealth so far has been brilliant. It works for me. The community is great and the fact that such wide ranges of people are using it just makes it all the more interesting. 

Over the years there has only been a small amount of equipment that I would put my name to. Stealth is now one of those and I don’t say that lightly. 


Happy Stealthing everyone - keep it fun and keep up the great team spirit - it’s the icing on the cake (Ooooh not too much cake) 


Jamie Neadle

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