A Wife and Mother Getting Herself and Her Family Back on Track with Stealth!

A Wife and Mother Getting Herself and Her Family Back on Track with Stealth!


I was eyeing the Stealth for a good year before I purchased it. Once I received my yellow Stealth (December of 2019) I absolutely fell in love with it and kind of kicked myself for not taking the plunge sooner. I had a total hysterectomy in August of 2019 and was unable to work out for quite some time. I finally decided Stealth is exactly what I need to get myself back on track and feeling like me again. Throughout December 2020 my best streak I believe was only 30 days or 31 days. I would get on it here and there, but I was also teaching a fitness class, so I figured I didn’t need to do my Stealth everyday (yeah, I know, EXCUSES). 

I'm very thankful that several months ago I decided to invest the time in myself and make sure I got on my Stealth every day. I became consistent and my first goal was to beat that original 30-day streak.  I beat that and then each day I did past that point motivated me further to not break my streak not to break the chain. I'm currently at 112 days.

I'm a married mom of 3 kids ages 18, 12, and 9. The kids have recently been trying and loving the Stealth; so, I decided to purchase the orange Stealth as well. Once I got the orange one, I had my husband try it (especially because the awesome new MotorCore game). He was in a bad truck accident back in 2003 and he had a lot of surgeries and lost strength etc. While he has got most of his strength back, he still complains about his shoulders being weak and his belly. So, I've started him on the Stealth so that he too will find improvement in strength, his balance, and toning. I'm looking forward to sharing his progress. 

What I love about Stealth, it's truly for anyone and everyone. I'm super thankful for it and I recommend it to anyone who will listen to me.

-Sara Joyce Frappier

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