The Stealth Core Trainer provides the most effective and fun core workout you will ever come across. Many users assume using the Stealth is going to be easy. They quickly realize the level of difficulty the Stealth Core Trainer brings to the plank. If you’re new to Stealth or already an avid Stealth user, here are the key points you need to know so that you can reap the benefits.

Modified Beginner Position (Half Plank)
- Start on your knees, elbows on your Stealth. This is the Half Plank position
- Elbows should be in line with the pivot under your Stealth
- Elbows shoulder width apart and shoulders directly above elbows
- Knees slightly behind hips so your thighs are at an angle. Roughly 45 degrees
- Knees about hip width apart and feet either on the ground or crossed and elevated
- Suck your belly button in
- Eyes looking down, keeping the head and neck in alignment
Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced Plank Positions
- Elbows on Stealth
- Elbows should be in line with the pivot under your Stealth
- Legs straight behind you
- Torso horizontal to the ground
- Elbows shoulder width apart
- Elbows directly in line with shoulders
- Abs are pulled in engaging your core by tilting your pelvis (think tucking your buttocks)
- Squeeze glutes
- Eyes looking down, keeping the head and neck in alignment
The difference between the 3 positions is feet placement.

BEGINNER PLANK: Feet shoulder width apart or wider for the most stability

INTERMEDIATE PLANK: Feet hip width apart

ADVANCED PANK: Feet close together
In any of these positions you should feel your abdominal muscles begin to fire up. Concentrate on your form and don’t let your hips drop down or rise. Muscular shakes are normal. If you feel your form is being compromised you must stop.
Watch Matt Morton Stealth Trainer demonstrate proper form techniques in these videos here:
Written By: Jennifer Suian & Matt Morton