Increasing Her Strength With Stealth

Increasing Her Strength With Stealth

I'm 54 and relatively healthy.  For many years I had suffered with lower back pain. In 2018 I was rear ended which caused discomfort in my upper and lower back. I was suffering from menopausal bloating and a weak core.  All doctors kept telling me was “oh it’s just life, you're getting older”.  I thought to myself, no way... I knew something wasn’t right.  

My friend showed me the Stealth one night and said he loves it.  So, I tried it and hung on a minute and a half!!!!  The next day my whole body was sore!! I was hooked and had to order my own.  I couldn't wait to receive it I started static planks in preparation for my Stealth to arrive. I was also put on a low FODMAP Diet for lactose intolerance and anything that could produce gas/bloating.

I downloaded the app, signed in and started the day it arrived Jan 7th, 2021. I quickly learned you lose your streak if you skip a day. So, 50 days later, here we are.  My strength is unbelievable. We had a snowstorm this February and I shoveled effortlessly, I couldn't even lift a snow shovel prior to Stealth.   I can’t believe how strong my whole back and arms are now!  I have a nice tone in my abs and lost an inch in the pant size (bonus)! I can sit and stand for lengths of time now, which before was nothing but painful.

It’s been like night and day for me. I feel great and I am so pleased with the results.... I started at a minute and a half and now I'm up to 6 and a half minutes.  Just once a day and I look forward to it!!! 

-Carolyn Dardani-Horensky

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