Taekwondo Master Sees Benefits of Stealth in and Out of the Sparring Octagon

Taekwondo Master Sees Benefits of Stealth in and Out of the Sparring Octagon

At the beginning of the year, I would see these advertisements for the Stealth on my feed.  I started researching it.  I would look at all of the reviews and the Stealth Nation Facebook page and determined this would be a good addition to my workouts. In fact, it is exactly what I was needing. I started my interest in fitness many years ago.  I am a Master Instructor in Taekwondo a Cardio Kickboxing instructor and practice other martial arts as well.  I have been practicing Taekwondo for over 20 years. Like many fitness related sports and activities, Taekwondo requires strong core muscles.  One of the best ways to strengthen one’s core is through planks.  The problem is, planks are not fun and for them to count, you have stay in that position for a while.  When I saw the Stealth advertised on my Facebook feed, I was really intrigued. I mean seriously, something that will make planks fun to me is a no brainer.  

I ordered mine at the beginning of the pandemic… it was around May or June. I do not go a whole day without at least one session. I have even taken it on the road with me when traveling to visit my son at college.  The first time I Stealth planked, I could only last a brief while – less than two minutes. But I slowly built up to where I can go for a longer period.   I normally use it at least three minutes a session and have not missed a day in over two hundred and five days. Some days I will go much longer… I have gone over twenty-two minutes once.  

For the first few weeks, I would only play Galaxy Adventure and I would play speed gliding a little too.  Then Fitman came out.  I love Fitman! I decided to buy the premium games subscription because of it. I can play this game for a long time and of course I become really sore because of it and sometimes absolutely drenched.  The premium games are a wonderful deal. It definitely keeps it interesting.  Right now, I have been stuck on Stealth Invaders which is a throwback to when I was a kid (like Fitman). 

 To me this is one of the most innovative products to be introduced into the fitness world in a long time. I could see this tool being used by serious fitness people and people looking to trim up everywhere. I could see this product become a common household item. Also, it’s a blast. 

I wanted a stronger core, but I also have seen better definition in my shoulders and frame.  I feel like my back is stronger too! Using the Stealth has become a part of my daily routine. I finish work, I jump on the Stealth for a few minutes.  After I teach or train at the Taekwondo school, I sometimes see how long I can go.  I also use it while watching the television. I love this thing!

-Jeffrey English

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